
Liuyang Science Museum site operator - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Liuyang school operator, according to the former site of the Museum "Science and Technology of China group," the book, China's modern science and technology, there are groups, when most Liuyang in Hunan count Society. The ISS by Tan, Tang Caichang with Hu in the same division Ouyang August 1895 to build the following year to balance school hall. Li said the Constitution: "The main set, was originally set up to cultivate Wood, attained a lofty view, not all of Health plan to include food. "Provisions of Health must be under 30 years of age, three years studied, the number of majors, the justifications, such as regular class section. Tan personally to the museum as the medium of instruction, marking operations, at their own expense Museum for the purchase of teaching aids tables and chairs, Li Yuqing for poor students, Zhaozai Dan preparations for the system of warm clothing. His wife, Lee usually leap to the Museum Asked canteen in-depth examination. A warm spring breeze in the late 19th century and thus towards the earth Sanxiang, the Yangtze River toward the Yellow River, the commentary said Mr. Liang Qichao: Since "the people first opened, the morale of Dachang."

Operators at the school site Museum Liuyang after the Confucian Temple of Cravens House, built in 1843 for a two-tier Qingwa attic. Four Blot out the Sun Guzhang, to embrace both sides of the hills, before multi-level platform, the granite steps in order to shop, under the small bridge Qing-chi, very quiet environment.

Is now the site of a Liuyan in Biological Science and Technology Museum has been renovated.

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