
Hunan Flower Drum Opera - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Hunan Flower Drum Opera, Hunan Flower Drum plays all over the place, the general term for light opera. Hunan Flower Drum show has been two hundred years of history, folk songs and dances from the experienced pair to be able to perform until the Flower Drum of the entire show such a simple to complex. Hunan Flower Drum stressed the development of opera, is a local folk song, folk songs, for Hengge - , To develop into a few basic tunes, have used a simple plot of the drama, after the drama because of the complexity of the plot and characters to express thoughts and feelings of the requirements of the original tunes into a different rhythm to the performance of the Different emotions, to be applied to each male or female voice singing of Tune. From the development of music Point of view that the senior Flower Drum Opera artists (non-composer), according to the needs of the content of the drama, the use of "changing a" law of the creation of many tunes. Legend has it that a set of tunes and the development of the way they used some vivid language image summed up: "change tactics" and "to tail", "for Head "and" double up "and" left behind "and" orderliness to Chelan or crowded together, "and so on, in fact, through the transfer, the tone, change the mode, the shift intervals, rhythms, such as expansion or compression methods to create, Flower Drum enriched the opera tune. So-called "change tactics", is a combination of the transfer and Variations; "to tail" For the bones, "is to change the mode and the backbone of the sound;" turn up "and" left behind "is the interval shift up and down;" Chelan orderliness or crowded together, "the rhythm is extended or compressed. At the same time, they have absorbed from other provinces or province The other folk music of the opera and other music, left for future generations a valuable asset.

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