
San Temple - Chinese tourism scenic spots

San Xuanwumen temple site is located outside the South West side streets mouth. Golden days will be years (1123-1135) was built. Legend is the Jin Dynasty Empress to feel the Buddha, Hui Tong Master II construction. As a result of the monastery was built in the city are in the Liuhucunpang, Siwai a lake shore, weeping, Liu Hu, commonly known as Temple. Ming Zhengtong 11 1446) and renamed the rehabilitation of Puji Si Qing Emperor Qianlong 1952 (1776) and re-repair and restore San Temple 000. Temple Main Hall building in the center, surrounded by a Houdian, as the Swiss Pavilion, the Hall of Heavenly Kings, and what side hall in a palace courtyard. Main Hall Liangjia internal, such as mandarin duck against arch It is the French before the Qing Dynasty. 3 hall there are Buddha III, known as Sam West, is the legacy of the Ming Dynasty. Foshen purple, Cuyuan immense, set off behind the tall statue of the backlight, Toudiao outer flame pattern, 3 lining relief small Buddha seat, each supporting Lotus Buddha under the seat. The large hall mural Since the spread painters in the Ming Dynasty big business hi hands. 3 in the North East side of the wall, a total of about 8 Buddha's story. After the back-screen 3 as the Buddha, Yi Wen's pen, the skin coloring, are very delicate. St. Anthony's Monastery frescoes, a representative of China in the early fifteenth century religious frescoes of the typical style. Murals and statues destroyed 0 end of this decade, as the Swiss moved to the Tao Ranting Park Pavilion.

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