
De Mian House - Chinese tourism scenic spots

De Mian House in the Xicheng District of small alleys Shihu 33. De Mian is the first child betrothal Wangyong Huang Qing Gaozong of the eldest son, 15-year Qianlong (1750) hit Wang Jue, 42 Qianlong seal Zhenguo Gong, is here after the closure of residential Zhenguo Gong. House sitting south, three Jinyuan La. The third house into the backyard of a stone Yuan Taizu Genghis Khan monument l Block, is the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs College in memory of the establishment of the Yuan Taizu. Beishen side for the column, under the stone Xu Mizuo, 2.92 m high pass. There are hospital l trunk circumference of 2.7 meters trees of the ancient jujube tree.

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