
Qi Great Wall Ruins - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Is located in Tai'an City, 15 km northwest of the 104 national highway side, the Chief belonging to the city of Jinan Changqing Xian million German village in the town of the Great Wall. Qi Qi during the Spring and Autumn is the Great Wall built by the war in defense construction, the total length of 500 kilometers, west Pingyin, Xiao Zhu Shan County, east of plastic into the Yellow Sea, Mountain, Lushan, Yishan, and so on hundreds of mountains and even One, Qi constitute barriers throughout the South. Qi is China's Great Wall was first built in the history of the Great Wall is one of the great ancient works. Tai Shan have about 10-km Great Wall ruins, on and off from the city-based sites, was faintly visible presence.

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