Jinta County, including the large bay Gu Zhi, in Bay City, Gu Zhi, Gu Zhi Jin Kwan part of the site and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Grand Bay is located in the city 120 km north-urn, ranking Heihe on the east coast, the site of 350 meters long, 250 meters wide. City 8 meters, 6 meters Dikuan, plate compactor to build, repair and future generations, well-preserved For the state-level key protection units. According to the research, here is water Du Wei Han shoulder seat of the government. Bay City is located in Grand Bay, 5 kilometers north of the city of Heihe on the east coast of the Gobi Desert. The total area of 22.15 meters square. Fort wall 5 meters thick at the base, 8.4 meters high, the Department of plate compactor to build, are north-south direction, the door at the Western Wall, Outside the walls of houses and two sites. 1930 Northwest science to this mission of digging a Han Dynasty more than 2,000 pieces of bronze and iron, a number of pottery pieces. For the state-level key protection units. According to the research here that is water-designate official seat of the shoulder. Water shoulder at Golden Customs in Bay City, about 2 kilometers to the east coast of Heihe home for the Han Dynasty Cypriot customs City, with the impregnable Italy, named Golden Customs. Close to 6.5 m � 5 m rectangular floor of the two organizations Canbi to a maximum 1.12 meters, 1.2 meters thick, the middle floor of organizations Road 5 meters wide. Foot wall on both sides of the remaining four and a half embedded in the walls of the fork column row. Building organizations adobe floor outside the customs wall. In the southwest side of the dock closed, Rammed earth system built into a wall, 70 a 80 cm thick, the maximum for the remaining 70 cm. Dock-feng of Taiwan and the remnants of the southwest corner square fort, a castle door Jiadao circuitous, have lived on both sides of the room, Zaofang, storage, in courtyards. For the state-level key protection units.
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