
Xiamen monitoring and control space station - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Jimei located in the Town of irrigation, the environment beautiful, spectacular scenery, is a high-tech monitoring and control space station. Monitoring stations in China have developed a new spacecraft measurement and control equipment, communications equipment and computer professionals, after China Xi'an Satellite Monitoring Center and the Xichang, Stephen sprinkling, three Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center to form According to the communications network. For various types of China's spacecraft and launch vehicle launch, operation responsible for measuring and control tasks, and bear the foreign commercial satellite launches in support of the track measurements. The space station's science and technology exhibition hall with "satellites", "International Aerospace outlook," "Application of satellite technology," Hall, The satellite launch had said that dynamic, we can see our newly developed TW-215 international standard C-band monitoring and control equipment and engineers to track, measure and control the satellite live scene. Give the person a feeling of its territory. Also available in the "test of China's space and air network", "O sing to launch the live" video feature, China 8 satellite and parachute recovery capsule in honor of this exhibition. Visitors can also be 15 meters in diameter and weighing more than 100 tons of?????antenna and the "Three Long March" rockets to mark the monument commemorating the pictures.

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