
Second Longquan - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Longquan II, also known as the Second longan, located in the scenic southern tip of the drug Quanshan foot of the mountains, spring water from a stone bridge leading large stone out of the mouth, big head and two small on both sides of the head, three in the lead Tang Chu of the spring constitute a mini-waterfall.

  Sweet refreshing spring water. According to a Japanese scientist Measured, and its water quality indicators such as the Eight-free up to international standards, it is a rare mineral water Piangui Suan. It also has high medical value for ophthalmic diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, acute keratitis, and so have the effect of the disease, the eye also known as Stephen.

  Two mountain spring water from Longkou in the long Keep water, not ice in the winter, these two legendary dragon was also a small defeat Black Dragon, Lao win the support that they had in town medicines under cultivation Quanshan ransom, regardless of dry years older floods Spit in drinking water for people.

Legend of spring water is flowing in from the Shan Fu, Pamela Qinglie imported spring water, wash in the face Abnormal smooth, long-term use of spring water here will play a beauty wash effect.

  Springs from the "drug Quanshan" by the Shan Fu in "Shilong," the two eyes to the smoke, is the legendary Dragon King the old tears, for there are people illnesses and diseases of the eye. Pamela cool spring water, washed his face in the smooth cool head. Borrow Tears of the Dragon King I Xinmingyanliang washed again. Look at those with head shaved their heads in the face of painted mud spa visitors, in their treatment of hair loss. Cool penetrate to the bone mineral mud, hair beauty at the same time, enough will take the heart and soul of your pain and frustration, rheumatism, skin disease patients bathed in the spring to spend up soup God, Exhilarating sense, as if descending from the Jade Pool.

  Members of the sea SHEK convalescence after being water bath sunbathing, "Nanquan" Shen Shui for your illnesses and diseases in addition to health insurance, "Stephen North" Pulp God for you to raise the quality of life. Clear spring water, mountain breeze, you get rid of all the pain and sorrow.

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