
Ri Guangyan - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Commonly known as "Huang Yan", located in central-southwest Gulangyu, 92.68 meters above sea level, the highest peak of Gulangyu. Legend has it that in 1641, when Zheng Chenggong came here to see the scenery here is far better than Japan's Nikko Hill, the "Huang" open, it will be named "Riguang Yan."

This is the diameter of a More than 0 meters of stone, overlooking the board, Xiamen panoramic scenery. It is a symbol of Xiamen, where there is "not on Riguang Yan did not mean to Xiamen", said. Ri Guangyan around, "Um Lotus," "heat-old" and "water-speaking Taiwan", "Zheng Memorial Hall," "leader Zhai Men" and the Cave, ancient history and the Mount Stone, and other attractions.

As the saying goes, "Riguang Yan Deng is not to Xiamen." Ri Guangyan Gulangyu is the leading attractions, including the Riguang Yan Qin and two parts of the park. Ri Guangyan a peak of more than 40 meters in diameter of the air stone stands to become a symbol of Xiamen. National hero Zheng Chenggong recover Taiwan, has troops in , Leaving many of the touching legend. Lei stacked stones scenic, natural Donghe, the shore of the waves, with verdant trees, flowers, full of romantic sub-tropical atmosphere. Have "a watt," "Lujiang Dragon Cave," "heat-old" and "small and labor leader," and "water-speaking Taiwan," and "high-meters" scenic spots.

Ancient text Tiyong a lot of stone, in the name of rock antiquity to add splendor. Ladder climbing, a top board, Gulangyu, Xiamen, Tam, Tam small islands panoramic view. Park Kum Ri Guangyan connected with the cable car through to modern pleasure-oriented projects, "Bainiao Yuan," "cinema" and "Heroes Garden" and so on, and move to form the natural landscape Ri Guangyan Jing, and this ancient organic integration. Area of environmental protection in December 1999 adopted by the ISO14001 standards, to become the first country to adopt the standards at the national level scenic spots.

Ri Guangyan well-known scenic spots of the Quartet, through the ages, has been attracting a lot of seekers can explore their Tao Hai-Tao Feng in the day, Yinshizuofu, leaving behind a lot of valuable manuscripts. Ri Guangyan through Temple Mountain Gate, the rise could be looking at a huge cliff. Ya Shang giant's Inscription - "Dong Tian Gulang" Riguang Yan in Wonderland-like scenery has done a brilliant general, is the first year of Wanli of the Ming dynasty in a written; "I Lujiang" Ri Guangyan point out is the first scenic spots in Xiamen, is the first year of the Qing dynasty by Cheng Lin Shu; "Hai-Tao Feng-day" right Riguang Yan pointed out that the characteristics of the Republic of China was written by Xu Shiying four years.

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