
Lu Chuan Spa - Chinese tourism scenic spots

?? ?? Lu Chuan Spa, located 0.5 kilometers south county, Jiuzhou River and Miao PANGXIDONG River junction. Lu Chuan, Guangxi is the first opening to the outside world tourism county. Lu Chuan Spa with an area of about 1 acre, the temperature as high as 56 ?, an alkaline phosphate-chuen, rich in carbonate, sulfate, chloride, potassium, sodium, and other 24 kinds of chemical composition and the benefit of Body of radioactive elements radium, boron, iodine, such as argon, for the treatment of various skin diseases, arthritis, neuralgia, and so have the effect of disease, good medical and health effects. Guangxi Federation of Trade Unions nursing home in Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan Spa since found 300 years, long known as Fuquan, Stephen Xianyao, Suoi Tien, Sin syrup. "Luchuan County" Poetry has said: "Mu Tian birds, Gan Hot Springs for people."

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