
A 20 massacre memorial - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Salt and Tao Hong Kong, "a 20" tragedy monument was built in October 1957. In April 1926, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, salt Tun 160 Yim cease-fire at the same time, more than 700 people salt launched against Salt Wanning County, the KMT authorities struggle to strike, after more than 50 days of the struggle to obtain a full strike Lee.

Jan 20, 1928, the Kuomintang magistrate Mannings He gathered more than 1,000 elegant, Bingfenlianglu salt to the pier, a map Tao, Tao Figure II (Kennedy, the English area), and Le Hong Kong to attack villages in the north, such as revolution, killed Revolutionary comrades and the masses 489, to capture 57 people were killed and 600 houses burned down. This is appalling salt and Tao Hong Kong, "a 20" tragedy.

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