
Qing Caohu - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Qingcao Hu at the eastern side of the Hsinchu, very early in development for the Ya-off from the river's reservoirs, not the lake, but many around the temples, green vegetation, is the oldest scenic spots in Hsinchu. Japan near the shrine into the Temple, dedicated to Zhuge hindsight, the temple inscriptions couplets were praised his God Miaosuan machine, rather Road into operation Cai. Ghali, the former temple oil under a tree, there are camps for camping, barbecues. Qingcao Hu lake road to shun travel to the ancient Qi and Eagle's Nest 18. Drive: Hsinchu exchange under the Road ? 122 County Road, (the recovery road) ? Hsinchu ? South Road, turn left ? Li Jin child left Square ? 0. That is, up to kilometers. Ride: 14 Road, Hsinchu City take the bus directly.

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